HPE Retirement Medical Savings Account (RMSA)

When you leave HPE

After you leave HPE, funds in your Retirement Medical Savings Account (RMSA) can be used to pay for unreimbursed medical, dental, and vision expenses; health insurance premiums (including COBRA costs or HPE retiree coverage costs, if you qualify as a retiree); or Medicare premiums for you and your tax dependents.

You may have qualified for HP/HPE matching credits to your account—a 100% match on your RMSA contributions, up to a maximum of $300 per calendar quarter and a lifetime maximum of $12,000 if you meet both of the following criteria:

  • Your most recent hire or rehire date is before August 1, 2008 (meaning you have been continuously employed with HP/HPE since August 1, 2008); and
  • You do not have potential future eligibility for the Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program or the former Digital Retiree Health Program (for example, due to being a rehired retiree who previously qualified for one of these programs, or an active team member who was within five years of qualifying for the Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program on June 30, 2007). Individuals who qualify for these other retiree medical programs are ineligible for HP/HPE credits to the RMSA, even if previously credited to your RMSA.

There are some exceptions to eligibility for these and other retiree medical programs for team members who were hired or rehired by HP/HPE on or after August 1, 2008. Please see the summary plan description for more information.

If you’re eligible for HP/HPE credits, you will receive them if you meet one or more of the following:

  • Retire from HPE at age 55 or later with at least 10 years of qualifying service, or at any age with at least 80 "age-plus-service points"; or
  • Terminate your employment from HPE while you are receiving benefits under the HPE Disability Plan.

You may also gain access to HP/HPE credits and related Interest Credits if you are subject to an HPE workforce reduction program and terminate employment within one year of satisfying the age and service requirements above or if your employment is terminated as a result of a divestiture.

If you haven’t been contributing to the RMSA and you’re age 45 or older, you may want to maximize your contributions before you leave. You can contribute up to $200 in after-tax dollars per pay period if you’re eligible. If you’ve been continuously employed with HP/HPE since August 1, 2008, you may also qualify for matching HP/HPE credits to your account.

To learn more about the RMSA, see the summary plan description. To check your RMSA balance, go to .

Take action

  • After you leave HPE, you can opt in to access your RMSA contributions by contacting the HPE Benefits Center.
  • RMSA funds will be available for use on the first of the month following completion of the opt-in process, or as soon as is administratively possible.
  • It’s important to know that if you opt in, you can’t make or receive contributions to a Health Savings Account.
  • You can submit a claim for reimbursement of eligible expenses to Fidelity any time after you leave HPE. Submit claims at .